熱搜: 白世紀 微詩
樓主: 白世紀

[三葉蟲書房] 等我老了

 樓主| 發表於 2015-9-2 21:54:30 | 顯示全部樓層
雲深處 發表於 2015-9-2 20:25
9 J6 e  b* \# W  t喜歡的
: H) I, t' o( t) p) L; ~

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-1-14 23:09:34 | 顯示全部樓層
When You are Old7 T1 y" u+ X' `, r8 l3 {
2 t3 Y1 P0 Z( t; M$ m; \  L
' @7 t* |" t6 H' n, O# S4 A1 W" K# K$ d" n. ]4 Z- m& n
When you are old and grey and full of sleep  6 @* z. `/ W5 u) [
當你年老、灰白、充滿睡意* o4 |; D9 o5 I9 }8 f
And nodding by the fire, take down this book   
+ Z2 v9 U! {4 o2 j4 n! u: p. Y在火爐邊打盹,取下這詩集* h# _7 P5 _& r
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once
/ B3 ~4 v+ j, x/ k0 M' P$ P慢慢閱讀,和夢想著你曾經有的輕柔眼神
3 n* o- {2 M$ t: J1 ^and of their shadows deep
+ E! b6 _& j  T' i5 [以及深深幽影
: F! a) P1 k/ r9 G) z3 M4 n7 A" s/ L2 B9 ^
How many loved your moments of glad grace
( r0 Z, Q" i6 E多少人愛你快樂優雅的時光- j! E: O5 D, M+ M+ _
And loved your beauty with love false or true
- c* {- |/ V) c) b( |7 C  t0 u  k% J愛你的美,以或真或假之情: a" o! J- ~  ?; H" ]
But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you
) n3 v& [8 n& x% o1 P2 ^  D! C但只一人愛你朝聖者的靈魂
3 R$ J- O) Y3 `/ I8 r) lAnd loved the sorrows of your changing face7 i+ d# K4 p# ?( D
愛你變化的容顏潛藏的憂傷  q8 b& R; i3 y6 m3 p

- C; t9 K) b, H; R6 ]) W" j2 `And bending down beside the glowing bars
3 C5 n8 |# p/ P1 P/ P並且俯身紅光閃閃的欄杆邊
* L- }7 w% i8 @# @$ MMurmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead
% l$ j! A( u( c! c9 P帶點哀傷地喃喃自語,愛怎麼出逃了,並行走於高山的頭頂上% k( u( U. |! S5 c" |5 |
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. `3 u: f% g7 q9 F; s. k
  @% ~# p; c7 ]# g7 z3 O+ G
+ H+ Z1 v0 L$ r: K
# a- R/ f  t) A( W. x                                                        ──葉慈: `" I2 K, N" _# i4 m) f

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